Saturday 21 January 2012

21-1-12 Potting on

Today I bit the bullet and potted a few of the seedlings on. I usually wait until I can see roots showing in various places on the rootriot cube for a fair few seedlings, a point I reached about a week ago. However, time conspired against me and it was today that the opportunity presented itself.

I followed my usual plan of action at this point - a mix of B&Q multipurpose compost with a good dose of perlite and vermiculite added, brought into the house 24 hours in advance. The latter point seems to help acclimatise the mix and prevent the seedlings drooping from shock.

I pot on into 8cm square pots since these are easier to organize and plant a little bit deeper to allow for rooting from the stem. Generally the seedlings are a little leggy - but nothing that worries me, this is normal and many of the wilds are naturally leggy anyway and this hasn't reduced my crop in previous years.

I had planned to pot on the 12 seedlings that were further along, but in the end did 18 (and could have easily gone a few more), but this seemed about right and cleared some space in the prop for a top up and second wave of sowing.

Added to the grow list were CAP 253-C, CAP 267, PI 260560 and 6 mystery seeds from the Chillis Galore pass-the-parcel. These seeds have all had a good long soak (4 days or so) so hopefully germination will be a little better than last year, when only one mystery seed surfaced and promptly snuffed it.

A few hours after potting on all was well, no drooping and no dramas. Fingers crossed all goes to plan from here on.

A few photos:

Seedlings in the prop prior to potting on.

A few examples of the seedlings and root growth - the results always seem superior to those obtained from jiffy pellets at this stage.

The potting on mix, compost with plenty of perlite and vermiculite.

The first 18 potted on and back under the T5 lights.

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